Category: Books
Estela joins an illustrious group of Honorary APsaA Members
Estela was awarded Honorary Membership of the American Psychoanalytic Association, and becomes one of an illustrious group. To mark the award, Estela’s speech (below) was published in The American Psychoanalyst, Spring/Summer 2014. Stopping the Cycle of Abuse Although I have lived and worked in Great Britain for most of my professional life, my heart comes from…
A Practical Guide to Forensic Psychotherapy (eds.)
A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO FORENSIC PSYCHOTHERAPY This practical text covers both the theory and practice of forensic psychology, and contains a range of case studies concerning not only violent crime but also ‘white collar’ crime. It also provides guidelines for psychiatrists and psychotherapists acting as expert witnesses. 300 pages. Editions and publications, in reverse chronological…
Letter from Estela to Free Associations journal
Estela Welldon and Otto Kernberg in January 2014 I was thrilled to read in your last issue 16 Autumn 2014 Otto Kernberg’s important article on Innovation in psychoanalytic education. He was one of my mentors when I did my post-graduate medical studies at the Menninger Clinic in 1962 and he provided me with much understanding…
Sadomasochism – ‘Ideas in Psychoanalysis’ series
IDEAS IN PSYCHOANALYSIS: SADOMASOCHISM Last published by Centro Scientifico Torinese (2006) Part of the Ideas in Psychoanalysis series that explains psychoanalytic concepts, their relevance to everyday life, and their ability to illuminate the nature of human society and culture. Editions and publications, in reverse chronological order Sadomasochismo, Le parole della Psicoanalisi – Centro Scientifico Torinese (2006)…
Speech at IAFP 25th Anniversary Conference
April, 2016 – Estela V. Welldon. It is a very great pleasure to be with you today, celebrating this very important twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the International Association for Forensic Psychotherapy. As I think back over our many annual conferences, beginning with our first at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in London, and over our…
Mother, Madonna, Whore
MOTHER, MADONNA, WHORE: THE IDEALIZATION AND DENIGRATION OF MOTHERHOOD Last published Clinica Psimatica (2013) and Karnac Books (2011) “Despite the fact that this book was published in 1988 and aroused some controversy because of its subject matter, the book has never been out of print and still sells actively, and has been adopted as a…
Sadomasochism in Art and Politics (November 2016)
Sadomasochism in Art and Politics (2016) Self-published Available on Amazon This is an updated edition of the long out of print book Sadomasochism, with an additional chapter on the psychodynamics of torture in repressive political regimes. Dr Estela V. Welldon contests the view that sadomasochism is an isolated ‘perversion’. Using numerous examples from literature, film,…
Sex Now, Talk Later (November 2016)
Sex Now, Talk Later (2016) Published by Karnac Available on Karnac and Amazon. Sex matters. It is a crucial part of whom we are and what to do. So why do we police what is “normal” and what is “bizarre”? As Estela Welldon argues in this insightful book, whenever we disapprove of others or ourselves in…
Listen and Watch
WATCH Presentación del nuevo libro Jugar con dinamita, una comprensión psicoanalítica de las perversiones, la violencia y la criminalidad, en la AEAE (Asociación de Escritores y Artistas de España, a quien Psimática agradece su cálida hospitalidad): intervino el Dr. Francisco Muñoz en representación de la Asociación Psicoanalítica de Madrid (APM) y el Dr. Agustín Genovés presentó…
New Horizons in Forensic Psychotherapy: Exploring the Work of Estela V. Welldon (2018)
New Horizons in Forensic Psychotherapy: Exploring the Work of Estela V. Welldon Editor : Brett Kahr You can find out more about the book here. New Horizons in Forensic Psychotherapy: Exploring the Work of Estela V. Welldon, edited by Professor Brett Kahr, contains many rich contributions by some of Welldon’s most distinguished former students and…